Flow drives
everything we do

Customer Flow is the movement of people along their path to purchase. We specialize in analyzing and addressing all the behaviors that lead to an increase in flow for our clients. We do this by unifying all our craft experts under a single operating system, FLOW.

FLOW expands performance marketing from last click automation to a holistic customer-driven strategy that drives sustained conversion.

Digital Marketing Transformation services focused on driving marketing efficiencies and return of investment for your business

A maniacal approach to improving customer Flow

We’re focused on three fundamental and interconnected ways to improve flow with your customers first, by removing frictions in the experience; then by directing attention with precision media and lastly by attracting engagement with relevant and dynamic content.


Eliminate Friction


Once the attention of our HVAs has been captured, we need to create the clearest possible path for them to take action by reducing or eliminating the barriers and frictions that inhibit customer flow. To improve the flow, we plot all touchpoints a prospect or customer encounters or should encounter in the future. This streamlined and simplified customer journey, achieved through better UX, social commerce and eCommerce as well as CRM, can ensure the easiest possible path and most opportunities to buy, book, register, subscribe or enroll.


Direct Attention


While many marketers concentrate on delivering improvements in brand perception and increase considerations over time, we are squarely focused on using digital media to direct our audience’s attention to take a specific action – a purchase. We guide customers through a brand’s digital ecosystem to continue along the journey. Our media activations are designed to reach our most valuable audiences and prompt measurable actions with the precision it takes to be there at the right moment, through smarter contextual targeting in search, social and programmatic, sequential cross-platform messaging, strategic remarketing to qualified HVAs, and digital comms plans attuned to audience behaviors that trigger an action.


Attract Engagement


What good is a perfectly placed message and streamlined customer journey if you don’t have the content or engagement you need to convince people to believe in your product or brand? Here we need smart, emotional and magnetic creative and content aligned to audience needs, thumb-stopping content that pulls them into a deeper exploration towards purchase. Personalized and engaging content discovered on-site or distributed to publishers, as well as social engagement and lead nurturing to keep the conversation between customer and brand alive.

We’re proud to work with the world’s leading brands

Get to know our services

Our services are organized to deliver Customer Flow.